Sweat Worthy: Road ID Review

One of my current fitness goals is to get outside and take up running as a hobby this year. I love to run because I always feel so refreshed when I finish a few miles, but I personally find treadmill running to be a bit boring. Still, I run inside because its easy. Well, that’s about to change–with the arrival of spring today, I’ll be hitting some local paths and training for a few 5Ks.

I tend to do a lot of research before taking on a new task. Naturally, I did the same when creating a running plan. I investigated the local paths and asked friends and family for recommendations. I stopped by the Greenwich Running Company (great service, by the way!) to learn about staying hydrated on the road. I purchased a toque for cooler weather, a breathable pullover, and a pair of running shoes. Then, I came across a blog post (thanks, Shin Splints and Sushi!) that introduced me to Road ID.

I will admit that one of my concerns about outdoor running revolves around safety. What if something happens to me on the trail and I’m unable to call for help? What if someone finds me injured, but I’m unable to communicate with them? Road ID helps to alleviate some of these concerns. Edward and Mike Wimmer, a father/son team, have created wristbands, dog tags, and shoe tags that are engraved with your name, emergency contacts, and important medical information.


I decided on the Wrist ID Sport bracelet in pink. I have tiny wrists (6 inches) and ordered a size small. It fits perfectly without being too snug (it adjusts with velcro). When ordering your Road ID, you have the choice to go with a ‘Original’ version or an ‘Interactive’ version. The Original version is simply engraved with the information of your choice. The Interactive version allows you to customize two lines of text, then provides information that directs first responders to a full emergency profile that you create online. They can access this profile via phone or online.

I chose to go with the Interactive version for a few reasons. You are able to include so much more information in your online profile than you can fit on a small engraved wristband. I am able to list multiple emergency contacts, my doctor’s information, a photo of myself for identification, and more. I think that the interactive band can also help to clarify situations for first responders. I don’t have any pressing medical conditions that a first responder would need to know immediately. I do, however, take a medication that is used for multiple ailments. Rather than just posting my dosage on my wristband, I’m able to put the dosage and an explanation of why I take the medication in my online profile. Much more useful information!

A Road ID is surprisingly affordable — you can pick up most styles for under $20. To maintain your online profile should you choose an Interactive Road ID, there is a fee of $9.99 per year. However, this fee is waived for your first year of service with your new Road ID purchase. I’m more than happy to pay $20 now, and $10/year in the future for a little extra peace of mind for me and my family.

If you’re interested in picking up a RoadID, you can head to their website by clicking HERE. They provide all customers with ‘Tell-A-Friend’ coupons, and I’m happy to share mine with you so that you can save $1 on your purchase. Simply enter ThanksSarah25585008 at checkout. I don’t receive compensation for sharing this code–I’m simply passing it on because I think that staying safe while staying fit is extremely important!

Do you wear a Road ID (or similar product) when you exercise? Any other recommendations for staying safe while participating in outdoor sports alone? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

Gym Buddies – Week 1

Hello, Sweatsational readers!

Fitness isn’t a journey that you can undertake completely alone. Sure, it’s easy to hit the gym solo. But having people to support you as you accomplish your fitness goals can make all the difference in your motivation level. These people don’t necessarily have to be “in-person” friends–they can be bloggers or vloggers! In my ‘Gym Buddies’ series, I will be featuring links to websites, YouTube videos, blog posts, or magazine articles that have inspired me on my fitness journey each week.

This week, I found my biggest source of inspiration via Pinterest. One of my favorite bloggers, Taralynn McNitt of Undressed Skeleton posted this gem (click here to check out her pin!).


In one of her recent blog posts, Taralynn wrote about hiking and her nature epiphany: that many people (herself, and myself!) included, don’t take the time to “thank” nature for all that our planet provides for us. We forget to recycle, overuse natural resources, and leave an extremely large carbon footprint in the wake of our everyday activities.

One of my biggest fitness goals is to become a dedicated outdoor runner. I’m excited about spending more time in nature, and I’m sure that running while taking in fresh air while taking in the sights around me will be far more motivating than staring at a wall as I jog on the treadmill at the gym! I plan on “giving back” to the world around me by taking up a challenge that Taralynn has set up for herself: using reusable shopping bags no matter what! It sounds like a small thing, but every little change that we make in our lives can have lasting results.

Thank you, Taralynn, for being such an inspirational gym buddy this week!

Who inspires you on your fitness journey? Let me know in the comments below, and keep an eye out for next Saturday’s Gym Buddies update!

Welcome to Sweatsational!

A premier fitness/healthy living blog is coming soon! You can look forward to…

  • Training Tips – Getting fit is a continual learning process. Here, I’ll share with you tips that I’ve picked up along my journey.
  • Product Reviews – Working out should be simple…right? Sometimes, the plethora of exercise options can be overwhelming! I’ll be reviewing everything from active wear to local fitness studios to healthy eats.
  • Recipes – I absolutely love food, and can’t wait to share some of my favorite healthy recipes with you here.
  • Beauty Blasts – Feeling good on the inside often translates to looking good on the outside! As a former beauty intern, I look forward to sharing beauty tips that apply to a fast-paced, fitness-full lifestyle.
  • Inspiration – Motivation is key. I’m a collector of inspirational quotes, and will be sharing them with you regularly.
  • My Journey – Along the way, I’ll be growing with you. I’ll also be using this blog to check-in regularly regarding my personal fitness. I’d love to have a supportive accountability network!

I hope that you are as excited about SWEATSATIONAL as I am! If you’d like to learn more about me, you can visit my personal blog at htttp://www.sarahhreyo.com
